There are so many ways to work with water colours. Introducing children to painting with imagination and child- friendly and appropriate ways and examples.
Wet paints on wet paper (known as wet-on-wet) spreads and is playful for young children’s first experience. This method also frees us as adults to explore colour for its own sake. Forms magically arise giving possibilities for imagination. It is playful, joyful and magical. Through doing this we learn about colours and how they react with each other and create new colours.
Wet paint on dry paper layering veils of colour on each other, is for older children and adults, and provides a calming meditative state of being, with shafts of light and colour dancing with each other. It is more focused but can still be just a play of colours. Forms arise and with practice, images can be deliberate and and controlled. This is another learning process and with practice for its own sake and the joy it brings, skills are developed.
Anything is possible with colours and imagination! Creating splodges, blowing wet paint across the page, adding textures, turning ’mistakes’ into a new adventure. This is freedom!
Making it fun for little ones: Little Tippy lies in his blanket so cosy and warm. When he wakes up he loves to dip his toes in water so warm. He wiggles his feet and wipes them off on the edge of the bath. Now he is ready to go and play along the rainbow path. He loves to play with colours so bright to see what they can do. He washes and wipes his feet every time he changes from red to yellow to blue.