We hope you've all had a fantastic summer holiday! At Dragonfly we did, with a well deserved break, but we're back on deck now and better than ever. Mind you, whenever the hot weather starts to peter out, we get a little lonesome and are apt to feel nostalgic about the summer - and all the summers - that's gone. Thankfully no major bushfires this time, only long hot days full of watermelon and mangos and kids at home from school, time at the beach and at favourite swimming holes. They're some of my strongest memories of childhood, as if there were no winter in between those long, hot summer holidays. I'm sure there were! And as we head into those glorious warm days and crisp cool nights of autumn, at Dragonfly we're already thinking about the year ahead. We managed to sell out of some lines of toys and puzzles pre-Christmas, but our stocks are about up to full again, and we're really happy for you to browse our lines of toys, games, puzzles and posters.
Art for kids
In particular our
beeswax candle kits are a fun way to get your littlies involved in art activities. Our range of
pencils is huge and exciting, and our
pencil rolls are a delightful and economic way to buy pencils, as well as support fair trade for Tibetan refugees. And if you're looking for quality crayons, our range from Stockmar is quite simply beautiful, tactile and made of natural beeswax. A delight to use.
Science via gnomes
Our Kraul
gnome seesaw kits and
gnomes in cablecars are ever popular, and you can immediately see why. They are a fun way for your kids to start exploring their world and simple principles of science.
Quality time with kids
There is, of course, no substitute for spending quality time with your children. A hastily given present by largely absent parents is no consolation to a small child, when what they really want is quality time with their family. Enrolling in one of our courses might help you enjoy that quality time.
Our courses
You may not know, but at Dragonfly we run a couple of other businesses, specialising in training people for Family Daycare. And Family Daycare is a fine way to spend time with your children, and be paid for it. Our courses include:
Collingwood Children's Farm Family Day
And finally, don't forget our big date of Sunday, March 1, when we are holding a stall at the Collingwood Children's Farm during their Family Day. You'll catch us in the big barn near the cows!